To schedule a physical, pre-op visit or new patient visit, please call 703-461-0700.

Physical Exams and Pre-op Consultations

Physical Exams

All adults should visit their health care provider from time to time, even if they are healthy. The purpose of these visits is to:
  • Screen for Diseases
  • Assess Risk of Future Medical Problems
  • Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Update Vaccinations
  • Maintain a Relationship with a Health Care Provider in Case of an Illness

Should I Fast?

Patients scheduled to have lab work to check blood sugar, cholesterol, or liver tests (such as for a physical exam), must refrain from eating or drinking liquids with calories for six(6) hours before your appointment time. 

Please make sure to drink plenty of water during your fast so you are well-hydrated.

Pre-Operative Exams

This is a consult visit with us to assess your medical risk for surgery/anesthesia.